Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Breast Milk Storage

Expressing and storing breast milk are part of the experience for breast feed mother. Knowing how to safely and properly store expressed breast milk help you feed your baby better.


  1. Expressed milk can be stored in a clean, capped glass or hard plastic container. You can also use special plastic bags designed for milk collection and storage.
  2. Label each container with the date you expressed the breast milk
  3. Place the containers in the back of the refrigerator or freezer, not in the door. Keep in mind that breast milk expands as it freezes, so don't fill containers to the brim.


Room Temperature                        : 4 to 6 hours
Insulated Cooler with ice packs  : 1 Day
Refrigerator                                     : 5 Days
Freezer                                             : 3 months
Deep Freezer                                   : 12 months

Note: storage guidelines might differ for preterm, sick or hospitalized infants.

Expressed milk stored in a clean capped container, label with the date and time.

Ice packs

Insulated cooler bag with ice packs keep fresh milk chill for up to 24 hours.

This insulated cooler bag cost RM26

  1. Place the frozen container in the refrigerator the night before use.
  2. Gently warm the milk by placing it in a bowl of warm water. 
  3. Gently swirl the milk evenly to distribute the creamy portion of the milk that rises to the top of the container during storage.
  4. Use thawed breast milk within 24 hours. Discard any remaining milk. Don't refreeze thawed or partially thawed breast milk.



You may add freshly expressed breast milk to refrigerated or frozen milk you expressed earlier in the same day. Keep milk expressed on different days in separate containers.
Don't add warm breast milk to frozen breast milk because it will cause the frozen milk to partially thaw. You can However, keep the freshly expressed breast milk in the refrigerator or a cooler with ice packs before adding it to previously chilled or frozen milk.

  • Try to relax, express in a quiet, warm, relaxing area.
  • Express after a warm shower, warm face washers on the breast for a few minutes may also help.
  • Gently massaging your breasts.
  • Thinking about your baby and how much breast milk benefits her 
  • looking at your baby's photo.
  • Having support from your partner, friend or breastfeeding counsellor

  1. Take the breast pump kit apart, and separate all pieces. 
  2. Rinse in cold water.
  3. Wash with a small amount of detergent, using a brush kept only for this purpose.
  4. Rinse all parts in hot water, at least twice.
  5. Drain bottles and containers upside-down 
  6. store the equipment in a clean, closed container

Monday, 25 November 2013

I am a Hypnomummy!

When come to child birth, everyone wants to inflate the negativity of birth, comparing who had it the worst. I have heard the hard story from my mummy when I was young. And I really don't want to experience it. One afternoon when I was browsing Google news, I saw this statement: Kate Middleton is considering a non-medicated method of delivery known as HYPNOBIRTHING.

Without second thought, quickly I turn on Youtube, articles, news stc to understand more on hypnobirth. This is a concept to focus on relaxation, releasing all the fears and move forward with giving birth pain-free. The believe is that a woman’s body is perfectly designed to give birth. While I like this concept, not for pain-free delivery, but also for the benefit of healthy baby (increase in baby’s apgar scores). Hypno-babies are shown to cry less, sleep and feed better and are generally calmer.

My husband was very supportive in this. We walk through book stores at my area and visit online book store, to search for book called 'HYPNOBIRTH - The Mongan Method'. But is was a bit costly to get the book. I tried to search for a hypno class at my area, and there are non available.

I am thankful that I manage to download a free hypnobirth audio from internet, I play the track at least once a day. Take some time out of a day, relax and enjoy the beautiful time to bond with my baby and reprogram my subconscious mind for a calm and positive birth. 

Another golden rule is to understand what birthing is. Understand the process and what to expect during child birth make me feel calm, relaxed and confident. I choose to attend pre-natal class together with my husband. I gained lots of information in the class, include the breathing technique.

On the day of delivery, I keep remind myself to be calm and relax. And when the surge come, I am lucky to have my husband stand to me, giving me confident and feel safe. It takes me 3 hours in total from the moment of water break at home in the midnight to finally met my baby in the labor room.

To be frank, there is pain during my child birth, but it wasn't unbearable.
Every baby only has one chance to be born - Make it the best, calmest experience you can!

New born was placed in an oxygen box.

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Antenatal Class in Penang

During the nine months of pregnancy, I could easily feel overwhelmed by questions, fears, and not knowing what to expect. I tried to read books, searched answer from the internet, talk to experienced mother.

I want to perform the best to deliver my baby. I want to hear from the expert. My husband and I decided to free up our Friday evening to attend an Antenatal Class run by an hospital in Penang.

Prenatal class is important to help prepare for labour, birth, and early parenthood. I gain fruitful information during the class. I feel stronger by understanding the changes happened to my body after being pregnant. I also learned how to take care of myself as well as the fetal. I learn antenatal exercise to built stronger muscle for delivery. I learned what to expect when I am in labour, what to bring to hospital, nutrients during pregnancy and after delivery, etc from antenatal class. Apart from that, freebees and samples such as milk powder for mother given during the class are also very helpful for mother who is still searching for a suitable brand.

Exercise session during the antenatal class at Loh Guan Lye Hospital

I’ve called up many hospitals to check on the class available. Antenatal class usually cost between RM80 to RM120 for a couple, some are free. Here is the list of hospitals offering antenatal classes in Penang:

Loh Guan Lye
5 consecutive weeks of course
every Friday, 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Fees: RM100
Tel: 604-238 8888

6 classes weekly
Friday 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Fees: RM100
Tel: 604 220 2103

Island Hospital
Saturday 2:30pm - 5:00pm
Fees: RM120/couple
Tel: 604 228 8222 Ext: 5043

Lam Wah Ee
2 Weeks class Saturday 10am - 3pm
Fees: RM80/couple
Tel: 604 652 8990 email: hlwe@po.jaring.my

Cost of Delivery a baby in Penang

When it comes to delivering babies, hospital charges will always be the concern, taking into consideration the type of room and the duration of the stay. Like most of the parents-to-be, I visit to few hospitals prior to my delivery, made comparison of the prices, facilities, location, doctors, etc.

I choose to deliver at Bagan Specialist Hospital, Penang because it is nearer to my house. Apart from that, of course I am confident with Dr. Jason after studied some review online. And for sure, the facility at Bagan is compatible compare to maternity center around my area.

My bill was RM3,200 including the use of gas for a normal delivery, nursing and injection for baby. I stayed two nights in a VIP room. For the convenient of breast feed, the nurse send my baby to my room every time during feeding hour. I changed to normal ward for the third day as my condition allowed me to breastfeed my baby in the breastfeeding room.

In VIP room, baby sleep tight next to mommy after breast feed.

Below are the price that I obtained during the survey I made from various hospitals and maternity center for normal delivery, 3 days 2 nights in general room:

Gleneagles - RM 1670
Penang Adventist - RM 1688
Tanjung Medical Centre -RM 1688
Loh Guan Lye - RM 1800
Tan & Tan/Lee - approximate RM 2300
K S Wan & Liow - approximate RM 2300
Island Hospital -RM 3400
** Government Hospital - RM10 + RM3 daily ward charge ** FREE for government staff !!

It is never easy on the pockets to deliver a baby, but worth every penny when the delivery process is both safe and immaculate for both, mother and child.

Monday, 18 November 2013

My Breast Pump

The awareness of breast feeding has become common for the society. The experience of breast feeding is special for many reasons. The joyful bonding with my baby, the cost savings, and the health benefits for both mother and baby.

My little angel is two months old. I knew that I am going to breast feed her when I know that I am pregnant! Even though mentally I am ready for breast feed, the first two weeks was hard, until I replace my manual breast pump with electric. It wasn't cheap to get an electric breast pump, but I have to say that I never regret for getting it, as it help me feed my baby everyday now. For new mom, if financially allow, I would suggest you to buy a double electric breast pumps, as it helps collect more milk in shorter time.
I bought a manual breast pump prior to my delivery as I can not affort to expensive one before I know if I am able to produce breat milknfor my baby.
This manual breast pump was only used for few times in the first two days after my delivery. Any mom to-be, may get it from me at the price RM15. It is good to have one standby before you decide which pump is
suitable for use.
Electric breast pump I havecost RM699, was choosen after lots of survey.
Self modified a single pump to double pumps. Hope this will help to collect more milk milk in shorter time :)