Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Flash Card Stimulate Babies Brain Development

I got a set of flash card when I attend the antenatal class at Loh Guan Lye Hospital.
My baby was first introduced with the RBW (red-black-white) card when she reached two months old. She likes it very much every time I display the card in front her. I am surprised with my baby's reaction towards flash card, and start to study the theory behind the RBW.

Understand that black and white are the first colours that babies can see, and later on, red. These colors attract babies a lot. Stimulating baby's VISION is a great way to stimulate her BRAIN. Of all the five senses, vision takes the longest to develop but it also has the highest impact on the brain. The more visual stimulation a baby receives, the more her neural network will expand and connect. A well connected brains results in a smart baby! 

Playing flash cards for babies is a method to stimulate their right brain, which will increase concentration skills, enhance natural curiosity, and stimulate the creation of brain cell connections.

How to teach baby with flash card:
At the age of two months, my baby still not able to focus sufficiently to begin a learning programme. Images such as stars, squares, house etc were designed in black and white flash cards to help her focus. One card show to baby ten times a day, and introduce a new card everyday. 

Introduce math and reading programme when baby reach 3 months. begin with five words a day, flashing through the cards to baby is consider one session. Rest for at least 15 minutes before start the second session. Play at least 3 session a day to help baby remember the words. On fifth day, retire one card and replace a new word. always shuffle the cards to prevent baby memorise the words by their order.

I try to play with my baby, talk to her, feeding milk after each session so that she doesn't get bored with the cards. 

Babies never content to stay at their current level of skills, they are so inspiring to new things. As a mother, I would love to instill a lifelong love for learning in my baby,

A set of RBW flash card given during Antenatal Class at Loh Guan Lye Hospital

Cards designed in various shapes

Objects with words help my baby in her early learning stage